Our latest proposals
Our latest proposals for the project include:
- The emerging design we’ve developed for the proposed reservoir and its embankments, based on the opportunities and constraints identified at the site, engagement with stakeholders, and feedback from our phase one consultation. This is something that will continue to evolve as we refine our proposals further, based on more detailed studies, engagement, and feedback. View emerging design
- The associated water infrastructure options we’ve identified for operating the reservoir as a whole water supply scheme and the infrastructure we would need to do this. This includes our proposals for transferring raw water from rivers to the reservoir, to treat the water to make it drinkable, and to supply to homes and businesses. View associated water infrastructure proposals

This diagram shows what our proposals include at this stage
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Get in touch
Contact the project team today.
Freephone: 0800 915 2491
Email: info@lincsreservoir.co.uk
Post: Freepost Lincolnshire Reservoir
Useful documents
You can view and download our project documents here
A guide to our proposals and phase two consultation brochure
DownloadPhase two consultation - associated water infrastructure proposals
DownloadPhase two consultation - main site design brochure
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